A guide on creating a digital product

Here we examine how to create a digital product so that it not only looks good, but also sticks to lava.top Terms of service.

Contents of the article:

  • Basic concepts
  • Moderation
  • Hold (freezing)
  • Digital product editor
  • Product profile
  • Landing page
  • After payment
  • Recommendations on the size of files to be uploaded
  • Author profile
  • What can't be publised on lava.top

Basic concepts


Moderation is the process of reviewing user content on the service. During moderation, author profile and product composition are taken into account. All materials published on the platform have to undergo moderation. If a product that was published earlier is changed, then it has to undergo moderation again. The process takes no more than 48 hours from time of publication.

If the content does not go through the moderation process successfully, then it is not possible to withdraw funds received for its sale. In order to withdraw funds, all remarks have to be taken into account and the content has to undergo moderation again.

❗ Moderators can block all published materials that do not adhere to lava.top Terms of service.

Hold (freezing)

The amount on hold is the amount frozen on the author’s account, which will be available after content moderation.

Information on the status of a published product is shown in the user’s account.

When can funds be on hold:

  • The product has been published, paid for, but has not gone through moderation yet.
  • The product has been published, paid for and deleted without moderation.
  • The product has been published, paid for, but publication has been canceled prior to moderation.

Digital product editor

Consists of three blocks:

  1. Product card – product name and short description.
  2. Landing page – a short description of what the product contains, which is visible to all users.
  3. After payment – what will be shown after payment or after receiving the product.

Consult the checklist to make sure that all blocks of your digital product have been filled in.

Product card

A short description of the product.

Name and short description of the product have been filled in.

✅ The cost of the product has been specified: you can set the price and tariffs in different currencies yourself. The price in other currencies will be calculated every day in accordance with the current rate.

Here you can also specify the availability of your product. After selecting “Don’t show the product on my page to others” the product will not be part of the publications feed and will not be visible on your page. The user will only be able to pay for this product if they receive a direct link to it.

Landing page

A preview of a product before it has been purchased: the information that it contains can be seen by all users of the platform.

Short description of product filled in, for example: course length, format, composition of a digital product.

After payment

The closed part of the product: information from it is only available after the payment.

Paid materials of the product or a short guide on how to get them: for example, provide a link to a closed Telegram chat.

Author contacts available.

✅ The materials adhere to the Terms of service. There is an additional checklist at the end of the article to verify materials.

Recommendations on the size of uploaded files

  • Avatar size: 240х240, up to 10 MB.
  • Product cover size: 1160х302, up to 5 MB.
  • Product profile cover size: 766х385, up to 10 MB.
  • Images: jpeg, tiff, png files, up to 10 MB.
  • Videos*: videos can be added from YouTube or Vimeo.
  • Files: materials up to 250 MB in PDF, EPUB, MOBI, DOCX formats, or others, except from .EXE.

*You can only add links to video URLs to lava.top, you can’t upload files. First you have to upload a video to one of the available services, then add a link to the video to the post.

Detailed information on creating content can be found in our Knowledge base.

Author profile

Consult the checklist to verify that your profile is filled in.

Name and surname or project name.

✅ A description of what the author’s occupation and of their professional competencies.

✅ Links to current social networks and contacts.

What can’t be published on lava.top

As products:

❌ Advertisements for sale of physical products and their delivery (for example, bracelets, paintings, books).

What can’t be part of the product name:

❌ Someone’s personal information: surname, name, email address.

Just a receipt or order number, including names in English, for example “order”. The full name of the digital product is acceptable, for example, “Personal growth course, order 99”, not “Order No. 99”.

❌ The cost of products, and also the currency, for example, €, EUR, USD, etc. It is acceptable if the price is an integral part of the name of the product, for example, “A complete design for 99 dollars”.

❌ The name of the service/product is not clear: instead of “Consultation” it is better to write “Psychologist consultation”.

Detailed information on publishing content can be found in Terms of service.