Product Statuses

Each product you create on your page is assigned various statuses, visible only to you. This feature helps you track the moderation stage of your product and whether it's visible to other users.

In the following section, we'll delve deeper into the different types of statuses and their meanings.

Product Visibility

Once you've created a product, the visibility status will be displayed on your page. There are three types of statuses:

  • Available to everyone. The product is visible to all users of the platform.
  • Not visible to anyone. Only you can see the product.
  • Available via link. The product is available to those who have received a link to it.

Product Statuses

Once you have created a product, it will have a certain status. Types of statuses:

  • Draft. The product hasn’t yet been published. It can be edited, all changes will be saved. Once you are finished with the design of your product. Next step is to publish it. Then it will be sent to moderation.
  • Unpublished. The product was previously published, but the author removed it from publication. This product can be edited, all changes will be saved. If you want to publish the product again, it will be sent for moderation first.

Products also have moderation statuses:

  • Published, under moderation. The product has been published and is under moderation. The process takes no more than 48 hours since the date of publication. We have a guideline that will help you pass the product moderation easily.
  • Published. The product has successfully passed moderation and is ready for sale.
  • Published, needs edits. The product has not passed moderation, changes need to be made. You’ll receive our email stating that the product has not passed the test.
  • Blocked. The product violates the Terms of service, therefore it was blocked. You will receive an email stating that the product has been blocked.

❗️All posts in any moderation status (except for Blocked) are available to all users.