Creating a product

What is a product?

A product is any original material that you can sell to your audience.

How to create a product on the platform?

1. In order to create your product, click “Create” in the side menu on the left.

2. Select Digital product.

Then we go to the digital product editor, which consists of three blocks:

  1. Card – a name and short description of product. The product settings are here: price, tariffs, availability.
  2. Landing page – a short description of the product, it is visible to all users of the platform.
  3. After payment – the content that is visible to users after paying for the product.

3. Fill in the product Card.

You can add your own cover, or keep the one suggested by the platform. Add a name and brief information of the product. Write it in the language of the country where you plan to sell your product.

Cover size: 766х385 up to 10 MB.

4. Specify the price of your product.

You can specify the price in one currency, and the price in other currencies will be calculated automatically. You can also set a fixed price yourself in each currency.

You can add several tariffs for one product. For example, in Tariff 1 the user will get only learning materials, and the more expensive Tariff 2 will include the materials and consultations from an expert.

5. In the Product settings you can specify the text that will be displayed on the purchase button, for example “Purchase”.

Here you can also specify product availability. When selecting Don’t show the product on my page to others the product will not be shown in the publications feed and will not be visible on your page. A user will only be able to pay for such a product if they get a direct link to it.

6. After filling out all information in the Card, click Next to go to the next section and continue creating your product.

7. Fill out the Landing page.

The Landing page is a preview of a product before it has been purchased: the information on it can be seen by all users of the platform.

This section should receive special attention, as it is here that the user can see the contents of the product and make a decision on whether to purchase it. It is important to come up with an engaging description, add a bright cover, highlight the pluses of the product and get its usefulness across to the users. You can add links, citations, lists, photos and videos.

Cover size: 1160х302 up to 5 MB.

The top right corner has a preview feature available – this way you can see what the product’s Landing page will look like.

8. After filling out all information in the “Landing page” section, click Next and go to the last product creation section.

9. In the “After payment” section, add all materials that will be available after purchasing the product. They will be available to the user only after making the payment. This is the most important part of the product profile, as this is the information that your audience purchases.

Here you can add links, text, photos, videos and files.

  • Adding images: jpeg, tiff, png files up to 10 MB.
  • Adding videos*: you can add videos from YouTube, Vimeo.
  • Adding files: materials up to 250 MB in PDF, EPUB, MOBI, DOCX formats, and others excluding .EXE.

*Only links to video URLs can be added to, it is not possible to upload video files. First you have to upload the video to one of the available services, then add a link to the video to the post.

Here in the top right corner there is a preview – this way you can review what the paid content will look like on your page.

❗️Don’t forget to save all changes.

10. After adding all needed materials, click Publish.

11. If you have not filled out information about yourself, then the system will ask that you do so before publication. Fill out the required fields.

Congratulations, you now have a product ready for sale!

It is available on your page. A link to the product can be copied from the address bar and shared in various social networks.

The product will not appear on your page straight after its creation. It will first undergo moderation. The process takes no more than 48 hours from time of publication. If a product that has been published earlier was changed, then it has to undergo moderation again. You can find out more about moderation in our article.