My purchases

The “My purchases” section contains all subscriptons and products that you have purchased.

Here you can re-purchase a product that you purchased previously.

Purchasing a product again

Clients can now pay for one service – for example, for a consultation – as many times as it is necessary. Authors no longer need to constantly create new products for their recurring customers.

1. In order to repeat a purchase, go to the “My purchases” section and select Buy again.

2. Afterwards you will automatically be redirected to the purchase page of the relevant product.

❗️Before purchasing, make sure that you have enough money in your account to purchase the product.

3. Click the blue button to purchase a product. The button can be called “Buy” or another action name.

5. FIll in the details of the card with which you want to purchase the product.

❗️If the product has been withdrawn from publication, then a repeat purchase is not possible.