Accepting payments

In order to accept payments for content on, you will need to:

  1. Register on the platform and verify your email.
  2. Fill in your profile, add some details about yourself and what you do, and also add social networks.
  3. Create a product and set a price for it in dollars or euros.
  4. Share a link to the product with your audience.
  5. Undergo verification, it will take 5 minutes, you will need a camera and an id document.
  6. After you have received payments from users into your account, you can withdraw funds.
Please take into account that payments will be made in the currency that you have specified when resting the product. I.e. a product the cost of which is in euros can be paid for in euros, and a product with a cost in dollars can be paid for in dollars.

Payment rules for each currency:

  • A product with a cost in dollars can be paid for with a Visa or MasterCard card.
  • A product with a cost in euros can be paid for with a Visa or MasterCard card.

❗️Regardless of which currency the client’s card is in, a conversion will be made during the payment, into the currency specified in the product. charges an 8% commission. The commission is charged straight after the sale.