Creating a subscription

What are subscription levels

The platform now has the option to create different subscription levels. What are the main benefits:

  • You can capture audiences with differing income levels and attract more subscribers. Now users can select a subscription with options and content that are right for them.
  • Make content more varied. For example, you can create two subscription levels: a basic tariff and a premium one, with added exclusive content. This way you will retain the interest of both audiences.
  • You get an option to plan your income. A monthly subscription means stability and regularity for an author, with it, you take into account your active users and can more accurately predict future income.

❗️A subscription to an author’s content lasts exactly 30 days from the time of payment.

For each subscription level, you can specify what content will be available to the user. An example of what this can look like:

  • Level 1: Webinar + useful posts for 15$ a month.
  • Level 2: Webinar + posts + course for 30$ dollars per month
  • Level 3: Webinar + posts + access to chat with an expert for 50$ per month.

How to create subscription levels on a page

1. Click “Add subscription”.

2. You can also add a subscription through the Create button in the left menu

and then select "Subscription".

3. Come up with a name for the first level, add a description for it. Write it in the language of the country where you plan to sell it.

4. Specify the monthly cost.

You can specify the price in one currency, and the prices in other currencies will be calculated automatically. You can also manually specify the price in each currency.

5. Add the following subscription levels.

6. After filling out all subscription levels, click "Save" in the lower right corner of the screen.

Congratulations, now you have subscription levels!

You can always edit the description, cost or amount of your subscriptions.

You can add closed posts to each subscription level. The same closed post can be added to several subscription levels. Detailed instructions on how to create posts can be found here.

How to attach a private post to a subscription level

1. After you have come up with a name and added content to a post, you can choose to whom it will be available: to all users (Everyone), or only to the users that have subscribed (By subscription). Let’s select the second option.

2. Afterwards you have to select the subscription levels to which you want to attach the closed post.

3. Then click "Publish". Now your closed post is available through a paid subscription.

Currently it is only possible to attempt to charge a fee once when registering for a subscription, but we plan to increase this in the future.

A guide on how to cancel a subscription to a piece of content is available here.